Sunday, April 29, 2012

#4 Playing with your pet

We all know how much love can offer a pet, just little animals that can change our lives. Playing with our pets is one of the smallest things that make us happy, it's kind of a teraphy, isn't it? Pets can be more than animals, they can be our friends.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

#3 The smell of new books

There are incledible things that a book can offer us. The pleasure of reading is just amazing, but if there's something that we like the most, is the smell of new books. Just paper and ink that make us travel to different worlds. Is it incredible?

Monday, March 12, 2012

# 2 That feeling when you don't have anything to do.

Hi, here's my third post.
We'll know that these last days have been full of exams, projects, and a lot of things to do, because it's true that we love letting everything for the last moment, isn't it? But nothing compares with the feeling that you have after finishing everything and any exam is there to worry you, It's that feeling that you have when you don't have anything to do. 

So, is any non-lazy person over there? Not at all.

Monday, March 5, 2012

# 1 Listening to your favorite song

We can listen to a lot of songs during the day, without to even know it. There are music around us. Every moment. At all the time. We listen songs in the street, in publicity, being the soundtrack of a movie... The fact is, would we be able to live without music? Probably not. Even in the begining of the history we can find music.
In spite of all the music and song that we can hear, there are those special songs that always make you smile. We all have favorite songs. 

So, here I want to share my favorite song;
Also, this song is from my favorite band of all the times, Paramore. I was really happy when they played it during their concert in Madrid. It couldn't be more perfect.

Welcome to my blog.
Hi, my name is Paula and I really hope you like everything here.

In this blog, I'll write about all that little things that make your day. Who needs big things? A lot of people think that we need money or weatlhto be happy. But, in fact, there are a lot of little things that make us smile that worth much more than expensive clothes.

So, here you'll find a tour where the most important things can't be bought.

Most of the photos that I'll use come from We Heart It.